The Uffculme Garden Caring Minds Covid-19 Memorial Orchard

Friday 26th June marked the official opening of the Caring Minds Memorial Orchard at the Uffculme Centre near to Kings Heath. We joined people from Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (BSMHFT) at a moving event to remember all those lost over the last 18 months, including staff members, service users, carers and family members. This event allowed us all to reflect

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Shakila’s Story

Shakila discovered the ladies social running group at Trittiford Mill Park earlier this year and has started the Couch to 5k training programme. She said that being part of the group has ‘been my saviour during covid’. Shakila is a stay-at-home mum who looks after her two young children. As someone

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Bikes on Prescription – Damien’s Story

The Active Wellbeing Society have been working with health partners to distribute free bikes to patients across the city. The bikes are recommended to patients whose physical and mental health would see the greatest benefit from access to a bike.  One of the patients who was referred to the scheme was Damien, who has anxiety and has

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Co-op Fortnight and the power of co-operation

As part of Co-op Fortnight, we’re reflecting back on the last year and how, as a co-operative working with communities, we pulled together in collaboration to support each other. The Covid-19 pandemic has had an extraordinary, far-reaching effect across the globe. It was something we could never have prepared for

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Loneliness Awareness Week – David’s Story

Many of us have felt lonely and socially isolated this year. Almost half of the UK population said that they experience feelings of loneliness at times. The Covid-19 pandemic has made it much harder for us to maintain important social connections, with some people losing all forms of physical contact with others. Even with

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Halema’s Story

Halema was a very active person, but after developing drug resistant tuberculosis and having two children she became sedentary. She explained, ‘my body had a really, really bad impact from it. It affected my lungs.’  Being fit and healthy has always been important to Halema. She explained that ‘as the years have gone on, I kept kind of

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Volunteers’ Week 2021 – Emily’s Story

Volunteers’ Week is an opportunity for us to say thank you to volunteers and celebrate their invaluable contribution. Over the course of the pandemic, we have seen an incredible response as Birmingham volunteers stepped forward to support their local communities. Since April 2020, over 1,300 volunteers have given their time to support projects from food distribution to befriending calls, amounting

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#MentalHealthAwarenessWeek – From Seed to Fork

During Mental Health Awareness Week this year, the theme is ‘nature’. The Mental Health Foundation has found that our relationship with nature – the ways we notice, think about, and appreciate our natural surroundings – is a critical factor in supporting good mental health. After a year in which most of us

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Birmingham’s E-Cargo Bikes Supporting Local Communities

The Active Wellbeing Society (TAWS) are working in partnership with Birmingham City Council and other local organisations as part of a government funded E-Cargo bike pilot in the city. The Birmingham pilot has been awarded funding for 13 E-Cargo bikes and 7 E-Cargo trikes, which will be used to encourage sustainable travel. The bikes and trikes have a large storage container on the front, which

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#BrumTogether shortlisted for best Community Campaign

Each year, SMK celebrates the best campaigns and campaigners. SMK’s interest is in finding those who have made change happen – most effectively, creatively and courageously. That change might be in law or policy; it might be in attitudes, social norms or behaviour; it could be in how services are

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Labour Party Deputy Leader visits Balsall Heath City Farm

Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, Angela Rayner visited Balsall Heath City Farm on 7th April to see how #BrumTogether has been working with our communities through the Covid-19 pandemic. Inequalities in Birmingham were pervasive even before the pandemic, and we have seen these inequalities deepen over the last 12

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Adam’s story: volunteering with bikes

Adam has been volunteering with The Active Wellbeing Society (TAWS) since November 2020 in a variety of cycling related activities. He has been involved in lots of projects, such as assisting the bike mechanic at the Cycle Fix it Café, building bikes, delivering food and clothing using our E-cargo bikes,

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Nina’s Couch to 5k graduation

We’re super proud of Couch to 5k graduate Nina Lugor, who took up running during lockdown. Nina followed the Couch to 5k app to build up her stamina and confidence over 9 weeks and was supported by Tahir from The Big Run Project, and groups on social media when it

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Kickstart Scheme

We’re pleased to offer new and exciting opportunities under the Kickstart Scheme via DWP. All roles are for a period of six months, based in Birmingham, and covering 25 hours per week at a rate of £9.30PH (Real Living Wage). They are a great way to gain experience, skills and training to

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#SocialPrescribingDay – Alyssa’s Story

On 18th March 2021 The Social Prescribing Network are celebrating #SocialPrescribingDay. The event aims to foster a change and demonstrate the shift in power to people and local communities. It promotes co-design and co-creation, and ensures social prescribing continues to grow as a movement. The Active Wellbeing Society provides a

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Food Waste Action Week

It’s Food Waste Action Week – a week dedicated to raising awareness of the environmental consequences of wasting food. Did you know around 1/3 of the food we produce worldwide is either lost or wasted, and 45% of domestic waste across Birmingham is food.   We’ve seen a lot of food go to waste over the last year, with fresh produce being left

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Co-operative Party Regional Conference

The Co-operative Party – ‘the party of the co-operative movement, committed to building a society in where power and wealth are shared’ is holding a series of virtual regional Conferences across the UK, held on Zoom in 2021. The Active Wellbeing Society Chief Executive Karen Creavin presented the learnings from

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