David’s Story

David, aged 72 from Newtown, lives alone and has been feeling quite depressed. David has been struggling with his money, in particular to pay for his gas and electric, and has difficulty reading and writing. David used to spend more time out and about, but because of lockdown, he has to spend

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Nicole’s Story

Nicole, 58, lives in Gravelly Hill with her husband. Nicole has had cancer four times so has a compromised immune system. When Covid hit in March 2020, Nicole was forced to shield and was placed on the City Council’s ‘vulnerable’ list. Her and her husband haven’t been able to go to the

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Laura’s Story

Laura, from King’s Norton, has multiple sclerosis and uses a wheelchair. She fled domestic violence so now lives in social housing, which is unsuitable for her physical disabilities.  She has been unable to move to appropriate accommodation or to get the necessary adaptations made to her current house by her landlord. Laura has

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Carol’s Story-Listen & Connect

Carol, from Sutton Coldfield, has some physical and mental health problems including anxiety, depression, and poor mobility. When we first started speaking to Carol as part of the Listen and Connect service back in October 2020, she had been waiting a long time to get a response from a referral

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Ryan’s Story- Listen & Cycle

Throughout Covid-19, we have been supporting people with practical support and friendly conversations through our Listen and Connect service. As restrictions have eased, we have also began to offer support through physical activity, including walking and cycling, on a one-to-one and small group basis. Ryan has anxiety, depression and PTSD.

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Dan the Skipping Man

Dan The Skipping Man is a company which works with schools and youth centres on education schemes teaching a variety of ages the basics of skipping. They cover skipping skills, how to ‘long rope’, ‘double-Dutch’ and other more advanced types of tricks, and, skipping competitions – making their sessions perfect

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Walk & Talk – Beryl’s Story

We offer a telephone support service, called Listen & Connect, which gives individuals a safe space to chat and feel heard, as well as receive advice and referrals into a wider range of services within The Active Wellbeing Society and among partner organisations. Within Listen & Connect, we also support

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Art’s Story- Social Prescribing

Art was born in Jamaica and lives in Birmingham with his son and his wife. In 2019, he had an accident at work that caused him both physical pain and mental instabilities, which he still experiences today. Art, who sustained neck and back injuries, was initially given some physical therapy

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Fit2Bike Story

In partnership with Cycling UK and BCC, we donated 8 bikes to the Octavius Learning and Development Partnership (OLDP), a group providing support pathways for women to get into building construction. OLDP also help to motivate women to keep active and get into cycling. OLDP Chair, Barbara, contacted us to

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Jackie’s Group at Cotteridge Park

I’m Jackie, a Social Prescribing Link Worker within Weoley and Rubery PCN in South Birmingham and The Active Wellbeing Society (TAWS). In April 2021, I set up the Cotteridge Park Walking Group, to support patients who were experiencing issues including isolation, loneliness, anxiety and depression. The group is now made

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Peter Bakare GB Volleyball Olympian

Former GB Volleyball Player Visits Bring it on Brum Summer Holiday Activities This Summer, The Active Wellbeing Society are working with the Department for Education, Birmingham Voluntary Service Council, Birmingham City Council, and Street Games as part of Bring it on Brum to provide free activities for children aged 5-13 years in local parks

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Leah’s Story- Leisurely Led Ride

In May, Leah joined the This Girl Can Leisurely Led Ride on Monday evenings at Edgbaston Reservoir. The led ride is a women-only session, with a ride leader, where women can cycle around the reservoir at their own pace. Its part of our This Girl Can activities, funded by Sport

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Meredith’s Story

Meredith has never really been into fitness and running, ‘I had not run since I was at school. And I’m 50 now’, but when lockdown began last year, she started running round the block with her daughter each morning.   Her daughter’s football team had encouraged the players to run a kilometre

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David’s Story- Community Growing

David was interested in finding a sustainable, social way of growing food in his local area. He had struggled to find a suitable growing space locally or meet other growers he could learn from. Through TAWS, David was able to work with a local community group to reopen a disused

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Claire’s Story- Growing Volunteer

Claire started volunteering at the All Saint’s community garden in Small Heath in February this year. With a passion for growing, gardening and, composting Claire was keen to get involved, lay the groundwork and help get things started with the growing space for local people to take ownership.  Claire feels

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Joe’s Story- Social Prescribing Walking Groups

Joe works in Finance, but as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, he was furloughed and then later made redundant. This meant he had a lot of time on his hands and often felt stuck at home.     He visited his GP for a routine diabetes check-up and as part of the review, the Doctor referred Joe to Grace, a Social

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Working in partnership: the co-operative way

We’re one of 551 co-ops in the West Midlands working together with the community, for the community. Much of the work we’ve done over the last year could not have been possible without working in partnership with others. Throughout lockdown, we’ve been working closely with other co-ops in a combined

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