Dan the Skipping Man

Dan The Skipping Man is a company which works with schools and youth centres on education schemes teaching a variety of ages the basics of skipping. They cover skipping skills, how to ‘long rope’, ‘double-Dutch’ and other more advanced types of tricks, and, skipping competitions – making their sessions perfect for both advanced and beginner skippers.

The team came along to our ‘Bring it on Brum’ free summer holiday activities at Reddings Lane Park, to teach the kids the basics of skipping as well as more complex skills and tricks. The children all had a lovely time and learned about coordination, timing and the fun and joy skipping can bring. They found it easy and fun for the whole family.

Free activities like skipping and summer holiday activities, such as Birmingham City Council and Street Games ‘Bring it on Brum’ programme, can have a huge impact on children’s development. Nuala Coleman, from Dan the Skipping Man’s team, said the provision of free activities and meals during the summer holidays is particularly important because:

there are big gaps in society and some people can’t access certain things and it is important that everyone is included, especially as technology is kind of taking over. It’s important to get children active early.” Creating the opportunity for children to play has many physical and social benefits, such as, developing social and communication skills, understanding how to be part of a group and learning how to be physically fit and active. Nuala told us that skipping is important for coordination and can benefit general physical activity. She said,

If children are more physically active, they can have a better chance in life. We want children to learn, skip and smile. It’s as simple as that.”

Author: admin