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Come and join the ‘Big Chat!’

Would you like to have your say on your community? Would you like to take part in a discussion with other local community groups from...

Handsworth Wood Youth Group Deliver Essential Supplies

Handsworth Wood Youth Group have been delivering food parcels and hot meals to key workers and vulnerable people within the community. They also provide a...

Father and son make lockdown deliveries & support Brum Baby Bank

There are so many positive stories about how individuals and groups are coming together, not just in Birmingham, but across the region to help each...

#BrumTogether thanks Direct Line for £100,000 donation

The #BrumTogether campaign has been given a financial boost in the form of a £100,000 donation from insurance firm, Direct Line. The donation from Direct...

Field Dynamics helps #BrumTogether provide targeted food support

Support for our #BrumTogether campaign is widespread, with so many individuals, businesses, charities and faith groups all coming together to provide essential help across the...

BBC News online coverage: Aston Villa kitchen to cook hot meals for vulnerable

Aston Villa Football Club’s Foundation has become one of the latest organisations to get behind the #BrumTogether campaign. The foundation has expanded its Villa Kitchen...

Birmingham Live coverage: 1,000s of baby packs filled with nappies and milk to be donated to the city’s poorest

More than 11,000 hygiene, baby and children’s care packs are going to be delivered to Birmingham residents, thanks to a £100,000 donation from Direct Line...

Weekly Sessions by Witton Lodge

A new scheme launched by Witton Lodge Community Association is offering support to people who are isolated and vulnerable as a result of the current...

Chris Hoare’s Mosaic With Symbolic Flowers

Chris Hoare from Ladywood, Chair of the Birmingham Southwest Group, is leading the creation of a large, symbolic mosaic. Since the social distancing measures were...

7 tips for managing stress and anxiety during the lockdown

Feeling anxious can sometimes prevent us from doing the things that we want to do, even more so at the moment. The good news is,...