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Ola drivers help deliver #Brum Together food parcels

Ola Cabs are among the partner organisations who are helping us to deliver food parcels and hot meals to vulnerable residents. The company aims to...

Birmingham Updates coverage: Team effort keeps vulnerable people in Birmingham stocked up

Social housing provider, The Wrekin Housing Group, is providing a fleet of vans and drivers to help get food parcels to residents in Castle Vale...

#BrumTogether delivers hot meals

As part of the #BrumTogether emergency food distribution project, The Active Wellbeing Society (TAWS) and ChangeKitchen have teamed up to cook hot meals for vulnerable...

Crafts and storytelling tasks to try at home

Local artists and organisations have created a range of activities and resources that can help improve mindfulness and wellbeing while social distancing. Take a look...

Kokni Muslim Association Birmingham- closing for congregation, but not for community

The Kokni Muslim Association Birmingham (KMAB) have been helping process, pack and distribute food parcels to those in need as part of #BrumTogether. They have...

Penny Appeal provides #BrumTogether hygiene pack supplies

International charity, Penny Appeal, is one of the latest charities to support the #BrumTogether campaign. The news comes after Direct Line made a £100,000 donation...

10 ideas for keeping the kids entertained during lockdown

Between home-schooling and work, and generally making sure younger family members are occupied, there’s a lot for parents to juggle and think about right now....

Cycling UK Big Bike Revival for Key workers 2020

Calling all key workers – if you’ve got a bike that you’d like to use to cycle to work or to go out on a...

Fitskank – #BrumTogether Birdsong Anthem

In times like these when everything seems uncertain and uncomfortable, one way of plotting a course through it all can be connecting into something bigger...

10 Midlands experiences you can enjoy from your sofa

There’s only so much TV you can watch or housework you can do to keep yourself busy during lockdown. If you’re looking for new and...