Bulk Food Collection
Bulk food collection
June update
The Active Wellbeing Society is no longer able to offer bulk food collections for organisations to collect from our distribution centre which was based at Bromley St. As our deliveries of food to supply to other organisations came to an end, we were unable to continue to offer this service.
All those who requested food from us during #BrumTogether were contacted, along with those who submitted a bulk food collection request before 12th June.
If you have any questions about this update, please contact: [email protected]
Food Justice Network
For anyone interested in addressing the systemic issues around food poverty in the city, we are facilitating a new Food Justice Network. This includes working groups around Food Barriers, Food Opportunities, Growing, Covid19 Response, Community Cafes & Cooked Food, Street Feeding.
If you would like to join the main Food Justice Network group and any of the working groups, please email: [email protected]
Our impact as of January 2021

Food Parcels

Cooked Meals

Bulk Food Orders to other organisations

Hours Phone Support

Phone Calls
Food Distribution Partners

Help Our Communities Rebuild
Make a donation via our Just Giving page (all money received will go directly to the purchase of food items, hygiene packs, baby packs, & activity packs for kids
Donate Now#BrumTogether Services
We are working with a network of voluntary organisations to those in need (either cooked meals or ingredients packages).
Find answers to frequently asked questions about food parcels and delivery here.
If you are an organisation or volunteer interested in supporting and working with us please get in touch.
If you are feeling lonely and need a friendly chat, or need some food or urgent supplies then please don’t hesitate to contact us.
We’ve created this page to store helpful information about our partners and services for local people.
We’re looking to showcase stories of hope and kindness. You can share your positive story via our website.
All money received will go directly to the purchase of food items, hygiene packs, baby packs, and activity packs for children.