We’ve reached the point of lockdown in which there are still ways we can safely step away from the screen and find connection to nature as a powerful remedy to help relieve stress and anxiety. Through the Everyday Wild Challenge, we have been encouraged to take more notice of nature now Spring has started, to take pictures of wildlife and even grow our own plants.
There have been many highlights over the course of the 12 challenges so far! A few favourites have been the ‘Chasing the Rainbow Challenge.’ An idea that first began in primary schools across the UK to create a rainbow and display it at the front of homes and buildings to show we are all connected. So many lovely pictures have been shared and received. Colmore Junior School said they have been taking part and it was an activity enjoyed by everyone across the school.
As our clocks SPRING forward 1 hour tomorrow, join us in taking a lovely photo of the sunrise and sunset!
Make sure you send them to us and we’ll make a collage of them all together and post it! ??
? 29/03/2020
? Home
⏰ From sunrise at 07:10
? For more information: https://theaws.co.uk/everyday-wild-challenge/

Get involved and draw some pictures of rainbows and put them up in your window for all to see!
Let’s spread a little joy ??

What flowers and plants do you have in your garden or local green area? ?
Fancy doing a scavenger hunt and drawing your favourite?
Send us your pictures ??

What bird song can you hear?
Go and hang out with your local birds this evening, and why not try set your alarm early tomorrow morning for the dawn chorus (5:45am)
Send us your videos, photos, sound clips of birds singing!

Find beauty and happiness in the little things but also remember to dream big??
Every time you feel the urge to get out, write it down, put it in the jar and create your ultimate bucket list!
Photograph your best ideas so we can share them and inspire others ?

For today we’re sharing a great challenge from Ranger Dean at Bournville Virtual Forest School for you to have a go at!
Have you ever wondered what happens in your garden at night when you’re asleep or when you’re out and about playing? Find out what mini beasts live and move around your garden by making a trap door!
Dig a hole and place a plastic container into the ground. This should be level with the surface. Then put one or two leaves in it. Finally, find a board and cover it over. You might want to decorate your board. I called mine “Trap Door” and drew a spider on it!
Leave the container loosely covered overnight and see in the morning who has been in your garden. You can print off the bug sheet and record your findings!
Please post pictures and photos of what you find, l would love to see them!

Make your own windowsill garden! ?
Now’s the time of year to get planting, but what if you can’t get out? No worries, because your windowsill is probably the best place to grow things on ready for the outdoors anyway, or just to make it look nice! ?

CHALLENGE 8? Spotting Trees
While adhering to the strict social distancing rules, why not, while on your daily walk use the Woodland Trust’s Twigged link to spot and recognise trees in your local area. Its fun, interesting and great to learn more about our beautiful trees! Happy tree spotting!

CHALLENGE 9 ?Sharing Hope
Today’s challenge is to share with us what’s giving you hope and who’s inspiring you at these unprecedented times…?
Let’s share and spread love, happiness and hope?

CHALLENGE 10 ?Symbol of Hope and Joy ?
We look at Spring and Easter as a time of hope and joy, so this weeks overall theme is hope and connection. Today’s challenge over the course of the week is to have a fully assembled symbol of hope by Easter Saturday, using objects from your garden or found on your daily walk! ??
Once your symbol is complete don’t forget to send us pictures ?

CHALLENGE 11 ?Super Moon Challenge?
In the early hours of Wednesday morning it will be a full moon, meaning on Tuesday evening we have the chance to see it rise. The full moon like the sun, rises in the east and on Tuesday just before 7pm will be the time to see it come up over the horizon, just as the sun starts to set in the opposite direction?
Your challenge is to spot the full moon and share your pictures with us?
This months full moon is also classed as a ‘Supermoon’ so it will appear bigger and brighter than normal?

CHALLENGE 12 ?Wild Card
We’ve set you challenges to get you going Wild, but you can create your own challenges, and do what you want to do – be adventurous and enjoy yourself outdoors (adhering to government guidelines) Please send us your pictures using #brumtogether #wildtogether and on our Active Communities Going Wild Facebook group
Looking forward to seeing what you’ve been doing!