In light of the latest government announcement regarding lockdown, regrettably all our outdoor activity sessions must stop with immediate effect.
The government has announced a range of new restrictions designed to combat the steep rise in coronavirus (Covid-19) infections. More information about what is and isn’t allowed is available on the government’s website.
Please be aware that Government guidance and laws are always evolving – if in doubt, please check here or on Birmingham City Council website
Now, as it has always been, the health and wellbeing of our communities remains our priority. Our funders, partners, community organisations, staff and volunteers have shown tremendous resilience and their work and resourcefulness to support others throughout the pandemic has been truly inspiring.
The Active Wellbeing Society (TAWS) are now pulling together our services for people around the widest wellbeing and active citizenship, with a revised focus. We will continue our efforts to keep our communities engaged and supported throughout this challenging time. Our efforts will focus on those areas that will help people the most – food, combating isolation, promoting good health and wellbeing and supporting partner organisations across the city.
Our work to distribute food to those in need is ongoing. You can find an update on the food service at:
We also recently launched our Listen and Connect service – providing a safe space for people to be heard and to talk about what is important to them. The service supports overall wellbeing and helps connect people to local communities, groups, and services.
We will continue our free online activity sessions, streamed daily on Facebook. You can also view pre-recorded sessions at or on our YouTube channel.
As the Covid vaccine hits the city and begins to be rolled out, our Holistic Interventions and Social Prescribing team are working with local practices and doing all they can to help support patients. The vaccine rollout is a landmark moment in the pandemic and we are proud to be supporting it through the work we are doing with the Active Communities programme alongside our colleagues in primary care.
The next few weeks and months however will be challenging but now more than ever we need to come together and support each other throughout this lockdown. Using #BrumTogether we will be sharing uplifting, inspiring, and positive content when everyone needs it most and we encourage others to do so too.
Once again, we are grateful and humbled by the hard work our partners and volunteers are doing to support the community throughout this challenging time, and appreciate their ongoing support. We will provide further updates over the coming weeks.
Thank you for your support, #BrumTogether!