Self-isolation means that we all have to change our way of thinking when it comes to being active. Being active can mean many things including; cleaning the house, gardening, dancing to music and even getting up to make a cup of tea can all count as movement.
The World Health Organization recommends 150minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise a week. A good way to continue any exercise groups is virtually wherever this is possible. For example, you can meet at the same time as you would normally however have the class over video call or still complete the exercise on your own but call your friends after to check in.
Getting as much fresh air and sunlight is really important if you are self-isolating and this isn’t completely impossible to do without a garden/balcony. Try doing some exercise near an open window (make sure your curtains are open to get as much sunlight as possible) or make the most of your daily allowance of being outside by going for a walk, a jog or cycling. If you do go out, make sure to keep your 2metre distance from other members of the public in line with continued social distancing ruling and remember you can only be out once per day with members of your household. Ensure to break up long periods of sitting or lying down with some activity. You can take breaks from your phone, computer or laptop every 20-30minutes and take a 1-2min walk around the house.
There are many great home based strength exercises that utilise your own bodyweight – such as press-ups, sit-ups and planks or you can find resources online for people of all ages at Sport England’s ‘Stay In Work Out’ page and on our Virtual Wellbeing page. If you have mobility issues then you can try some chair-based activities which can also be found on the Virtual Wellbeing page. Any activity is better than none, however the more activity you do will provide you with more physical and mental wellbeing benefits.
View activities you can do and our schedule of Facebook Live Activities at: https://theaws.co.uk/activities/virtual-wellbeing/