Earth Day 2020 – show your patch some love
Wednesday 22nd April is the 50th Earth Day which is designed to be a way of collectively mobilising for the earth with 24 hours of action. You can read about it here.

Go for a walk
We wanted to mark the date by showing our local patch some love. All of us have been forced to stay close to home and spend time in our local areas so its a perfect opportunity to give them a bit of a spring clean and clear up.
So why not get outside for a walk and pick up some litter as you go, supporting your wellbeing and showing love for your local patch at the same time.
Don’t forget to share pictures of your streets and local green spaces after your hard work. – #EarthTogether #WildTogether
You must follow social distancing guidelines and also please also take the following precautions.
– you must wear gloves, the thicker the better, for protection
– if you have BBQ tongs or other pick-up device it will really help
– Never touch the litter directly
Make a Garden Trail
We’d love to see what’s in your garden, or even on your windowsill! Please keep sharing photos – nature can have a big impact on our wellbeing, and sharing love of nature can have an impact on everyone around you! You could even make a garden trail documenting with photos, video or drawing what you see. Please share on Active Communities Going Wild #EarthTogether #WildTogether
Celebrate Earth Day Live Online
There is a full programme of activities on Earth Day Live online – remember 9am Eastern Time (ET) is 1pm in the UK:

You might also like to check-out some of the amazing groups doing incredible work caring for our streets, they are always looking out for new volunteers ready for when this is all over.
North Edgbaston Action Team.
Soho 1st.
Smiths Wood Litter Pickers.
Erdingon Litter Busters.