International charity, Penny Appeal, is one of the latest charities to support the #BrumTogether campaign.
The news comes after Direct Line made a £100,000 donation from its Community Fund to #BrumTogether. The donation’s been used to pay for 11,000 essential supply packs, which include 6,500 hygiene packs.
Penny Appeal are working in partnership with #BrumTogether to source and provide many of the items that will go into the dignity packs, which contain hygiene supplies, including shower gel/soap, shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste, razors and/or sanitary products, deodorant, toilet paper/tissues, washing powder, washing up liquid and hand sanitiser. The charity has also donated 150 food packs to #BrumTogether and will continue to provide food packs on a regular basis.
The hygiene packs will be delivered to people in Birmingham over the coming weeks alongside the food parcels that are already being distributed by voluntary organisations and food banks across the city.
Nazim Ali Tasadiq – Global Humanitarian Response Coordinator for Penny Appeal said
“Penny Appeal are working nationwide to support the work of over 35 community based organisation supporting the most vulnerable in society such as the homeless, elderly, low income families, refugee communities and youth groups. During this emergency, it is vital that communities come together to help one another and it is an honour to be able to support the great community initiative of #BrumTogether by providing these dignity kits which are so vital at the moment to protect people from COVID-19”
You can find out more how you can donate food, money or clothes at:
About #BrumTogether
Made up of more than 60 organisations, the #BrumTogether campaign brings together shared resources within communities to support those in need through several initiatives including:
• City-wide work on food distribution – provision and distribution of food and essential supplies, coordinating a wide range of partner organisations within the city
• Befriending – a friendly phone chat service
• Virtual wellbeing activities – online activities that people can join in with
• Amplifying the positives – sharing positive stories of people coming together to support each other
About Penny Appeal
Penny Appeal was set up in 2009 to provide poverty relief across Asia, the Middle East and Africa by offering water solutions, organising mass feedings, supporting orphan care and providing emergency food and medical aid. Since then, it has transformed lives and empowered communities around the world, helping to break the poverty cycle and build brighter futures.
Penny Appeal have been responding to to the COVID19 Emergency both in the UK and internationally in countries such as Syria, Palestine, Pakistan, Uganda, Mozambique, South Africa, Jordan, Bangladesh and Yemen.
Find out more about the charity at: