Young People from across Birmingham and the World are once again striking on Friday 15th March 2019 calling on our government to declare a climate emergency and prioritise the protection of life on Earth, taking active steps to achieve climate justice.
Greta Thunberg’s strike has inspired a wave of strikes across the world to take action for climate change. We spoke to Katie Riley of Birmingham’s Youth 4 Climate Change movement, one of the organisers of last month’s strike on 15th February, as she prepares for a strike on Friday 15th March 2019, 11am outside Birmingham Council House, joining a growing number of people concerned we take action to end Climate Change locally and across the world.
UKSCN is a group of under 18s taking to the streets to protest the government’s lack of action on the Climate Crisis:
‘We are partnering with many groups to create a strong movement of students to send a message We are tired of being ignored’
The Demands made by Birmingham Youth Strike for Climate Change:
The Government declare a climate emergency and prioritise the protection of life on Earth, taking active steps to achieve climate justice.
The national curriculum is reformed to address the ecological crisis as an educational priority.
The Government communicate the severity of the ecological crisis and the necessity to act now to the general public.
The Government recognise that young people have the biggest stake in our future, by incorporating youth views into policy making and bringing the voting age down to 16.