The Active Wellbeing Society guide to Wild Wellbeing
There are so many physical and mental wellbeing benefits from being outdoors and you can do it safely whilst social distancing too.
To get the benefits of wild wellbeing you don’t need to count steps and you don’t need to go to a far off place, you can get the benefits in your local patch of green space, the main thing is to do it mindfully using all of your senses.
This short guide is designed to give you some ideas to get you to take that step out of your front door and head to your local greenspace for your daily dose of nature.
Here’s why you need to try it:

You don’t have to go on an expedition – a small amount each day is enough for you to start to get some of the incredible benefits that time outdoors brings.
Here are a few ideas to help you use your senses so that you can get the maximum dose of goodness:
As you get into the park or green space you might enter off a busy street, take a moment to notice the change. How does it feel? Take a few deep breaths, what do you notice? What new sounds can you hear? How does it make you feel?
All too often we walk around eyes on our phones with our minds elsewhere. So, for a short while, put your phone on silent and simply notice what is around you. There is so much to hear and see across our city if we just take the time. Smell the flowers, listen to the birds, hey even hug those trees if you like, we won’t tell anyone.
Who knew you could improve your wellbeing by just sitting, well in nature you can. So, pull up a pew, sit down and take it all in (keeping that phone in your pocket, it can wait – this is time for you). Better still take a piece of paper and a pencil with you, draw what you see, write down how you feel – you don’t have to show anyone.
Off the beaten track
It is all too easy to get stuck in the old routine and that applies to paths too. So why not get off the beaten track, explore like a child, play a bit. Jump. Skip. Go where your heart desires – there will be nobody watching! Find a spot to watch the sunset or pick just a spot that just makes you feel good. Don’t forget to make sure you feel safe wherever you head and take care not to damage any plants.
Things to do now:
We encourage you to completely disconnect from technology and allow yourself to be fully immersed in the nature that surrounds you with no distractions.
However, if you wish to track your walks on a smart phone (please share them using #BrumTogether) you can use the free version of an App called Relive that can show your route visually and after that can be shared or the free version of Strava App (see below) and additionally, if you wish to join a running club please see the last link:
Link to relive:
Link to Strava:
Link to current Big Run Project Group on Strava (Created on March 17th before we just entered lockdown):
Want to join my Strava running club?