get involved with
This Girl Can
What is This Girl Can?
Launched in 2015, This Girl Can is a national campaign from Sport England, that aims to get more women active, and feeling confident to do so.
The campaign strongly believes that it’s important that women get active in a way that suits them- no matter what that looks like, or how sweaty they get!
Being active looks different for everyone, and we want to celebrate women and girls of all backgrounds, ages, and abilities who get active- to inspire others to get involved too.
Free, Women's only This Girl Can sessions on Zoom
From 7th December, we will be running Women’s only This Girl Can sessions on Zoom. The sessions are free, and will offer opportunity for women to get active with others in a safe space, and help build a supportive network with other women to keep each other motivated.
Sessions are currently closed!
To join a session, please email: [email protected] with the name of the session/s you are interested in.
You will then be sent a link to the sessions and any other info such as a short health questionnaire for the Active Mums sessions.
You will need to have registered for a free Wellbeing Card here to access the free sessions. Please bring your card or card number to the first Zoom session you attend. This is like a virtual register, so don’t forget to jot down your card number or take a photo of it when you sign up so you have it ready for the session.
Morning sessions:
Monday, 9:15-9:45am – Soca
Tuesday 9:15-9:45am – Zumba
Wednesday, 9:15-9:45am – Active Mums
Thursday, 9:15-10am – Yoga Meditation
Friday, 9:15-9:45am – Menopause Matters
Evening sessions:
Thursday, 6-6:30pm – Zumba
Session descriptions
Feel the rhythm of the Caribbean with Sislyn, as she brings the Island heat and upbeat vibes with her fun and easy to follow Soca workout moves.
Join us for a fun Latin inspired dance and fitness class to upbeat music. We will use a mixture of high and low intensity moves to get your body moving and feeling good.
Active Mums
A post-natal exercise class focusing on recovery before impact. Functional, safe and effective exercise with a focus on strength and conditioning exercises to aid recovery, improve posture and overall sense of wellbeing.
For this session you will be sent a short health questionnaire via email to ensure safe exercise for new Mums.
Yoga Meditation
Make some time to unwind and learn how to move with the breath bringing awareness to the body. This restorative beginners Yoga class aims to increase relaxation and present moment awareness.
Menopause Matters
Any questions or feedback?
If you have any questions about the sessions, or aren’t confident with using Zoom and would like some help, please email: [email protected]
Please also let us know if the current session times don’t work from you and you would like to be notified of future sessions running at different times.
We’d also love your feedback on sessions so we can keep improving them!