Following a continuous review of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) threat, The Active Wellbeing Society has made the decision to refocus its activities from Friday 20th March. This decision has been made in consideration of our members, their friends, families and also the wider community.
We are adhering to government advice in order to minimise the risk of transmitting the virus by limiting large gatherings and to assist in fighting the spread of this within the population.
At the moment we are still running a light service, so please do check with us via this website or contact numbers or our social media pages for confirmation of what activities are running up until this Friday.
We will still be here to provide support in a number of ways including a friendly phone chat service, provision and distribution of food, positive storytelling and virtual wellbeing activities.
You can access at information of our services at: https://www.theaws.co.uk/coronavirus
We will be updating this webpage and our social media pages regularly.
This is an ever-changing situation and we will update our stance as and when required, following any further advice of the government and Public Health England.
The Active Wellbeing Society are continuously monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation. The health and wellbeing of our community will always be our priority.
The guidance is changing daily, and we ask that you regularly check this page
Latest Updates from The Active Wellbeing Society Planned Activities
From Friday 20th March all our pre-planned activities for Active Streets, Big Run, Big Birmingham Bikes and Active Parks will be cancelled. All Holistic Interventions and Saheli Hub and any regular indoor activities have already been cancelled. Please check before travelling to our outdoor activities in next few days as many are likely to be cancelled
Please follow official guidance
We are asking communities to read and follow official government guidance very carefully. If you have a high temperature or new continuous cough that you stay at home for seven days, and that handwashing and hygenie recommendations are observed.
Official advice and guidance at the UK Government, NHS, the World Health Organisation and Public Health England.
Thank you for your support during this time, we will keep you updated as and when further updates are available.