This sets out our confidentiality policy.  Information entrusted us will be treated as confidential and will not be used for purposes other than those for which it was gathered, without the express consent.  Randomised, anonymised or statistical information, which does not identify an individual directly and which cannot reasonably be used to determine identity, is not confidential.

You must be consulted and must give express consent before any disclosure of confidential information that identifies you to outside parties.  Staff will respect decisions made by you about disclosure of your confidential information and will communicate effectively with you to help understand the implications of any decision not to disclose.

In exceptional circumstances a Director of TAWS may need to provide confidential information to external parties without your consent. This may occur:

  • Where you are ‘at risk’ to yourself or to others and in the rare event that you are unwilling or unable to take appropriate action youself.
  • Where a member of staff would be in violation of the implied terms and conditions of their employment to ensure a duty of care to you or other staff.
  • Where a member of staff would be liable to disciplinary action or court procedure if the information was not disclosed.

For full details of the information we gather and use about clients, please ask to see our privacy policy.