My first 2 weeks with Project Brum was great as we got to meet our mentors who will be monitoring us and holding weekly meetings with us during our time with Project Brum. As for me and all the new recruits we took part in an ice breaker activity on the first day so we could all learn about each other, as we will be spending the summer of 2017 together delivering activities across Birmingham.
I learnt about all the projects that fit under the umbrella of Active Parks: Park Lives, Big Birmingham Bikes, Active Streets & Run Birmingham to name a few.
We learnt about all the volunteering opportunities that we can participate in to support local people e.g. The Junk food project which gives the people of Ladywood a chance to come and eat and socialise together twice a week. Stanhope Wellbeing Centre is another project based in Highgate which helps elders in the community to have a dance and a hearty lunch to keep them happy and active locally this was great to experience and can’t wait to try it again in the future.
I am now at the end of my second week and I have found my induction to be informative and fun. Because of these two weeks I have a greater understanding of what the Wellbeing Service is about and what is expected of me as part of Project Brum. I look forward to spending the rest of my summer working with the Wellbeing Service across the city.