‘What do you wish this was?’ – A great question to find out more about what people want, and to start a conversation about what can be done to make things better. At St. Paul’s Venture Hope & Change event we asked participants about what they thought and used stickers to label exactly what is wanted and where (thanks Candy Chang)
An important part of St. Paul’s Venture is it’s City Farm which has been threatened with closure in 2019, and we chose to host our event at St. Paul’s Venture during half term deliberately to gauge what families thought and to find out what could be done. We were interested in Health and Wellbeing as a whole, and one of our concerns was the future of this important community asset which had contributed to the wellbeing of generations living in Balsall Heath and Sparkbrook. With over 300 people attending our event we were able to survey many people. We also used Candy Chang’s stickers to let people make their thoughts, concerns and hopes for the future visible:
Local residents not consulted Keep the farm More art activities A fan of cricket Cycling activities Games and family fun Swing, climbing wall, cooking area Swimming Family friendly spaces Less closures More opening hours Free bikes for children as well as adults
Find out more about:
Balsall Heath City FarmActive Communities