Lisa has held leadership positions in the sphere of public policy in both a political and professional context for over two decades. Lisa is known for her strategic thinking and collaborative leadership practice and has worked within the public, private and higher educational sectors. She has represented local government on a range of regional and national boards including acting as Urban Advisor to the Regional Housing Board, developing for the Homes and Communities Agency its national Leadership of Place programme and whilst at PwC pioneered an area investment planning approach – more recently she has been a board member of Innovation Birmingham and Birmingham Retail BID.

Whilst at the University of Birmingham she drew on her knowledge of regional and local context and work on place shaping to serve as the policy lead on the Bishop of Birmingham’s Social Inclusion Process, providing the frame for the adoption of approaches to inclusive growth and active wellbeing within the City. She has engaged and published work on Leadership of Place and led projects nationally and internationally on the place shaping agenda and a range of sustainability topics.

Having been elected as a Councillor in Birmingham in 2012 – Lisa served as a Cabinet Member from 2014-2018 providing the strategic lead on environmental and sustainability policy and its implementation to address issues including climate change, carbon reduction, flood management, clean air zones, energy security and fuel poverty. She also had the strategic lead for the city’s parks and green spaces.

As Chair of Birmingham’s Green Commission she was the driving force in the development of “Energy Capital” and in the delivery of subsequent projects including the development of the FBC for Birmingham Energy Supply Company and the City’s Air Quality Strategy – work she continues to take forward professionally through UK100 and her engagement with Energy Capital and related collaborations.