If you were to find yourself in Cottesmeadow on the first Saturday of each month, you would be greeted by the sight of children playing out and people chatting, eating and enjoying one another’s company. This monthly gathering began back in July and has become a highlight in the community’s calendar ever since.
Carolyn Davis is the Chair of the Ward End Residents Group in Glebe Farm and Tile Cross Ward. We spoke with her about her involvement in the project.
How did this project come about?
Through our residents’ group we aim to bring about positive change in our environment and our residents’ lives. Setting out, we hoped to build stronger connections with people in the Cottesmeadow estate. Like everyone else in the ward, people from the estate want to live in a safe, flourishing environment free from litter, antisocial behaviour and crime. Instead, they had told us they felt neglected and frustrated with services. We wanted residents to feel they had a voice in making change happen.
I reached out to Yasser from the Active Streets team at the Active Wellbeing Society, to see if they could support us in these aims. Together we met with Rachell Farrel, a resident from Cottesmeadow to consult with other local people about holding a community event. People were open to the idea, and we planned the first event for July! Drawing on his experience from other active streets, Yas proposed we put on an event for every first Saturday of the month till December. Sonia Douglas of the residents group committee attended many of the Saturdays alongside me.
How did the first event go?
The day started with a litter pick. It was a very warm and sunny day that a great number of residents of all ages came out to meet up, play sports and share their thoughts about what they would like on the estate through a wish box. It was great to see the community come together, neighbours interacting and you could see that people were making friends and sharing opportunities.
What difference do you think these events have made?
These events have given me the opportunity to bring other organisations to the estate, so residents can begin tackling the issues they care about. To date we have had the National Literacy Trust, Birmingham Adult Education Service, Neighbourhood Watch, West Midlands Police and Birmingham River Champions and England Squash.
These sessions have led to many positive outcomes. Resident voices led Debbie White (Neighbourhood Action Coordinator at Birmingham City Council) to initiate a session to bring council and residents together for a community clean-up day. Our new PCSO Daniel Gorman joined us for a community litter pick. Residents from the events have also joined the online residents page BSEEN Ward End and come along to other activities off the estate.
Even Councillor John Cotton, Leader of Birmingham City Council, admired the community spirit he experienced when he visited one Saturday. He said, “It was great to see so many people enjoying the sunshine”.
We’re pleased because people have engaged with the residents’ group and made new connections with each other.
Overall people are enjoying themselves. Rachell lives in the Cottesmeadow and she took a lead role inviting others to join in. She says,
“The family fun days have made a real difference to our community. Children are playing in a safe happy environment while parents are engaged in a positive manner”
Sanaa, is another local resident who has attended, she says
“My children now look forward to the first Saturday of every month. They have new friends and become more sociable. This event is a really nice addition to our neighbourhood. Thank you all of you.”