The Co-operative Party – ‘the party of the co-operative movement, committed to building a society in where power and wealth are shared’ is holding a series of virtual regional Conferences across the UK, held on Zoom in 2021.
The Active Wellbeing Society Chief Executive Karen Creavin presented the learnings from #BrumTogether at the panel discussion ‘The co-operative movement’s role through a second wave’ on Wednesday 14th October. You can watch the video below.
This is followed by a Social Care Policy panel debate followed by facilitated Q&A with Anna Birley (Co-operative Party Policy Officer), Karen Creavin (The Active Wellbeing Society) Cllr Paulette Hamilton, (Cabinet member for Adult Social Care and Health, Birmingham City Council) and Chris Bain (West Midlands NEC representative & Chair West Midlands Healthwatch).