What is Clean Air Justice Network?

Clean Air Justice Network is a recently launched group facilitated by The Active Wellbeing Society. Bringing together like-minded organisations, campaigners and people from a wide range of professions and backgrounds to advocate for equity in air quality as a social justice matter.

Tackling air pollution is a social justice matter because it impacts everyone. What is clear is that air pollution does not impact on people equally – the health impacts of air pollution are a product of both susceptibility and exposure.

The social determinants of health are the non-medical factors that influence health outcomes. They are the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age, and the wider set of forces and systems shaping the conditions of daily life. These social determinants contribute to the inequity and inequality within air pollution.

We need positive action to ensure we tackle the health impacts of air pollution so that vulnerable groups including children can grow up as healthy adults; older people can live longer and healthier lives; and communities can flourish, free from the harmful effects of air pollution.

Clean Air Justice Network will work with systems partners and communities to ensure that the communities most impacted by air quality are supported to tackle the inequalities, and have a voice in the debate.

To find out more and get involved, please email us at [email protected]

Our Mission

Clean Air Justice Network will be an advocate for improving air quality as a social justice matter.

Clean Air Justice Champions

Clean Air Justice Champions from communities directly impacted by air pollution will share their stories to raise awareness of the inequalities in air quality.

Championing for Change

Clean Air Justice Network will campaign for policy changes at a local, regional, and national level.

Raising Awareness

Clean Air Justice Network will raise awareness of air pollution and provide proactive preventative advice and interventions that improve the air we breathe.

Clean Air Justice Network Membership Form
1. Forum meets once a quarter
2. WhatsApp group to share info about clean air activities in Birmingham
3. Receive CAJN Newsletters
4. Facilitate partnership work & projects across the CAJN & BHAC
5. Support activities & projects of CAJN & BHAC members & partners
6. Set up a CAJN Podcast to raise awareness of air pollution injustice.
7. Distributed leadership – not led by one person or organisation. All members have equal status.
8. Wide and diverse membership – not exclusive or excluding people, there isn’t a set criterion other than your involvement is linked to the overall goals of the network.
9. Co-creation/co-production – not top-down decisions.
10. Having a common set of objectives that resonate with members – a cause that brings people together and all members are in the group for these objectives.
11. Self-administered – TAWS helps facilitate activities and the group
12. Whole system approach – tackling the impact and delivering interventions, as well as also working to influence and change the system.
(This is where we will share information about campaigns and activities related to clean air.)