At Festivals for Future we asked a simple question – How do we tackle global problems locally?
Active Communities worked with Kings Heath Community Centre Friends and Birmingham Youth Strike for Climate to explore how we can work at our community centre across all our community, and support groups, like Youth Strike, raising awareness of global issues, and working together to make a difference.
Here are some of the responses:
People taking their own photos, is beginning to document a real ‘self-portrait’ f our community – here are some more of the photos people took:
We’re not ‘turning our back’ on the Climate Crisis – we’re listening to what people have to say to make a difference locally and globally. Self-portraits were one way we documented the thoughts of people in Kings heath Community. We also interviewed many of the people at Festivals For Future, let people comment on the walls, and created a collage mural to be transformed in to an artwork outside the centre later this year. Here are more of the activities people suggested, written on our walls.
Kids cinema, Film club, Rehearsal space for bands, Dementia Cafe, Coffee cafe, More live music, Repair Cafe, Fix it workshops, Upcycled wooden things and more, more Junk food days at the centre, Knit and natter, Gadget repair help, Phones & tablet repairs, Social media Surgery, Community Lunches, parties to help people mingle, Advice for benefits, trained advice worker, Decorating Party, Toy & tool libraries, Swap shop, Skills swap – electrics, sewing, using a power tool, gardening etc, Practical skills advice.Gardening tips and message board, Terracycle and bike activities, Walking group, Timetable of groups, up-to date online…
Listen to people in the community regardless of age, Timebank, Active Campaigns to lobby our local supermarkets, shops, reduce use of plastic, Sustainability workshops, recycling point for crisp packets, Ethical cleaning products & toiletries, Making beeswax wraps Recycle centre…
Make deoderants, Children’s Stay & Play, Holiday club, Music classes, Evening Space – cognitive learning – get together, Excercise, fitness, Learning for all ages, Learn musical instrument all ages, Art Space, Activities for young people, Children’s gardening club, DJ workshops, Children’s activities, Clothes swaps, local history, Afternoon playgroups, activities for pre-schoolers, Kids cycle repair sessions, Cycling proficiency classes, Parties esp. For young children, Theatre…
Gymnastics, Tai Chi, other calming activities, Yoga, Football, Writers Group, Readers group, Book exchange, Language & ESOL, Yoga and meditation for children, Plant takeaway/swap, Pedestrianism nearby, more colour, paint walls, add sofas & soft chairs, add artwork by local artists, reduce notices, relocation of metal cupboards, preplace with ‘homely’ furnishing,add fabrics and patterns, replace striplights, pictures on the wall, better lighting and spotlights…
Please let us know your ideas – we’re working on them with KHCC Friends and Birmingham Youth for Climate!
Thanks to Kings Heath BID, York Supplies, Kings Heath Residents forum and everyone who is working with us in Kings Heath.
Active Communities