The Department of Education has announced grants to fund the local co-ordination of free holiday activities and healthy food for disadvantaged children during 2019 summer holidays. The aim of this is to support local organisations strengthen both the quality standards and quantity of free holiday activities with healthy food available to low income families.
Evidence suggests that attending holiday clubs can have a positive impact on children’s attainment, health and wellbeing. This is especially true of clubs that provide enrichment activities as well as meals – and that involve children and parents in preparing healthy food.
A Birmingham consortium with experience in supporting children, young people and families enjoy healthy active lifestyles have come together to apply for this grant.
We are now looking for partners who would be willing to work with us and help deliver 300,000 fun activity days with meals in the summer holidays. If you are interested to play a part, supported by some level of grant if necessary, please could you complete the following form before Friday 25th January 2019:
Please note that we are only at the tendering stage so are not able to make any firm commitments to organisations about summer delivery at this stage, but we hope to be in touch with you by early April to confirm next steps.