As part of our Virtual Wellbeing programme, The Active Wellbeing Society partnered with Dr Jacqueline Boden of Lotus Menopause Care to create a webinar available to watch free live and on-demand, sharing factual clinical information alongside holistic treatment options and a lived experienced perspective.
The webinar was devised after 6 months of consultation with the public to understand what subjects people really wanted to know about and to ensure we could offer information and resources relevant to a more diverse audience.
The webinar is now available to watch back on our YouTube channel and resources including a reader-friendly version of the presentation and a substantial e-leaflet containing recommended apps, podcasts, articles, and organisations that offer support and information for all kinds of people living all kinds of menopause journeys, are also available to view/download here too
Very informative - thank you. Resources look great too
It's been so very useful.
Thanks Charlie and Jacqueline for this really informative webinar!
This (The Webinar), has been so informative, thank you
Thank you for asking/answering my question. Loving the call!!
I really wish you were my GP Jacqueline, you have helped me more in this short time and really appreciate it
Thank you so much Dr Boden and Charlie! It's been very insightful and useful!!!